How To Research Keywords That You Will Rank For

As I explained on the previous page, using Keyword Research tools just makes your life so much easier.

Essentially what one of these tools does is automate the process for you. Let's say you type “Play A Minor On Guitar” into one of those search tools. You might see results something like this:

how to research keywords - jaaxy

Just from typing one keyword in, the search tool will go away and find related searches and all their data. Pretty cool right?

In this case, QSR stands for “Quoted Search Results” (Remember I said you need to search with “quotes”?). KQI is the strength of the keyword, green means “go for it” but in this case of lot of these keywords don't make sense, so we wouldn't use them.

We could break it down further by typing in some of those additional keywords too and seeing what results they bring up, and adding some “a” or “on” to a few of the results to see how they come back when made grammatically correct.

Using Jaaxy

The tool in the example above is Jaaxy. It is not just a keyword research “tool” though, it is a full on suite. You can save keyword lists, check domain names, check out the competition, and even find out where your website ranks for certain keywords. It's a lifesaver in terms of time.

Jaaxy also costs a lot less ($19 a month or $199 a year) than other fancy keyword tools out there, and produces better results. The data is based on a combination of search engines, not just Google, and it uses real historical data rather than just generic estimations that other tools use.

You can even get 30 free searches with Jaaxy to try out if you like it.

Let's make a search now:

I'm going to wind up the post now, as it's getting on for a thousand words.

I'll leave you with my final tips for Keyword Research:

  • Always use Keywords that make sense, no grammatical errors.
  • Keywords should just be titles of your posts, you can stick them in the first paragraph ONCE too. (The keyword for this post is “How To Research Keywords” – I've only used it once in the title and once in the opening paragraph).
  • Concentrate on writing a thorough and good article, the Keyword is just the topic.
  • Don't go for Keywords with huge competition. Anything more than 300 competing pages and you will not rank very well. The closer to 0 QSR the better!.

Anything you don't understand? Probably there are quite a few questions you have regarding keywords. I've explained a lot, but there is a lot of understand. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments in the section below. I will reply within 24 hours.

3 thoughts on “How To Research Keywords That You Will Rank For”

  1. Hi, Bryon.
    I searched a key word Aloe Vera and couldn’t understand how to chose a result out of it.
    I first used WA inbuilt tool and then Jaaxy.
    I need your help. Please come with an advice on this specific niche.
    Thank you.

    1. Hey Younus, thanks for your comment, good to hear from you.

      The first thing I would do is narrow down the search. Aloe Vera is a very broad term. Somebody searching for it could be wondering what Aloe Vera is, how to spell it, where to buy it, all sorts of things, so let’s try to find a more useful keyword….

      Further down on Jaaxy you have “Aloe Vera Juice Benefits”..this is a much more relevant keyword, but it has a lot of competition, so will be difficult to rank for.

      Still further down, you have “Aloe Vera Gel Benefits”..this is a good keyword. It has over 1,100 monthly searches, and only 214 competing pages. With a bit of work and a good site, you could rank very nicely for it. It would also be easy to write about, an article about all the reasons why Aloe Vera gel is great.

      “Aloe Vera Gel Acne” looks like a good one at first, because it has good searches and low competition, but does “Aloe Vera Gel Acne” make much sense grammatically? So let’s try something like “Aloe Vera Gel For Acne”…now the keyword makes sense, and still has good results.

      You could write an article “Using Aloe Vera Gel For Acne Is Excellent” or something like that.

      Does this help you?


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