Photoshop For Web Design

This is just a quick one today to tell everyone about the best way to learn Photoshop for web design. In fact, it's not just about web design. Whether you're using PS, or a free alternative like GIMP, you'll need to know some basic skills for editing your images and creating some stunning visuals. It's not something you can learn overnight, so baby steps are the way forward.

And you'll need some training too.

As much as I like teaching others, I'm not the best person to explain the intricacies of Photoshop. I learned how to use PS and GIMP at, so that's where I'm going to be referring to you today.

Why Learn Photoshop For Web Design At Lynda?

Lynda is all about video training. The courses are all split into short videos, sometimes less than a minute long, sometimes closer to ten. It obviously depends on what it is they're teaching you. You can get some basic PS training in about 4 hours, although you'll want to take a few days to cover it all. Luckily, Lynda has a free 7-day trial. You can sign up, get some training, then cancel before you get charged (you need to add your credit card to get the trial, but it really is free).

What Else Can You Learn At Lynda?

To be honest, a basic Photoshop introduction is just scratching the surface. You can learn anything from CSS to Photography, from 3D animation to music. It's easily the largest resource.

What I like the most about it though is that all the courses are taught by experts on the subject. Most of them have their own business and websites where they teach, but they record videos at Lynda to deliver some really premium content. It's great fun to learn from people with personality too.

The guy who taught me how to use Adobe inDesign was a real character:

I Thought You Use WordPress?

I do, and I also use Photoshop every day, so the tutorials at Lynda really come in useful for what I do. There are dozens of Photoshop tutorials up on Lynda anyway.

I figured that if you were going to learn something, this might as well be your starting point.

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